Hello dear Community
I know this post is going to be for interest of all you. Is related to the fact that we have said all this time that to access OMniLeads via browser you must to do it with a domain name instead of an IP address. Well, first of all I want to tell you the reason of that:
- For an agent, is easier to remember a domain name rather than IP
- We tend every day to use less the IP because our software is oriented to be less IP dependent.
- Is more presentable and professional, if you are provider, to show to your customer that to access the software you use domain name
Anyway, I know that sometimes you just want to test the software or you don't have such a big customer and IP can be used to access web, and have to edit the hots file in every machine is such a PIA (pain in te ass).
For that reason I want to teach you the trick for using IP instead of hostname to acces Omnileads:
- Open the file /etc/profile.d/omnileads_envars.sh
- You may have this variables:
EXTERNAL_URL=hostname.example //change this variable with the IP address
NGINX_HOSTNAME=hostname.example `//change this variable with the IP address
- If you don't have the EXTERNAL_URL variable edit the NGINX_HOSTNAME, if you have EXTERNAL_URL edit just this variable
- service omnileads restart
That's all now you can navigate using IP.
IMPORTANT: if you upgrade the server you will need to make this change again
NOTE: after release 1.9.0 (I think) this will not be more necessary because we found a way to avoid using these envars, so you can connect with IP or domain withouth taking care of this. (Read the Release Notes of every new release)