buen día, intente realizar la configuración en linode usando tanto el Bucket como la instancia el problema que me arrojo el Log fue el siguiente.
configuracion_telefonia_app.AmdConf: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.AudiosAsteriskConf: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.DestinoEntrante: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.DestinoPersonalizado: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.EsquemaGrabaciones: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.GrupoHorario: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.HangUp: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.IVR: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.IdentificadorCliente: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.MusicaDeEspera: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.OpcionDestino: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.OrdenTroncal: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.PatronDeDiscado: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.Playlist: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.RutaEntrante: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.RutaSaliente: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.TroncalSIP: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.ValidacionFechaHora: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
configuracion_telefonia_app.ValidacionTiempo: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ConfiguracionTelefoniaAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ActuacionVigente: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AgendaContacto: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AgenteEnContacto: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AgenteEnSistemaExterno: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AgenteProfile: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ArchivoDeAudio: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AuditoriaCalificacion: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.AutenticacionSitioExterno: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.BaseDatosContacto: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Blacklist: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.CalificacionCliente: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Campana: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Chat: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ClienteWebPhoneProfile: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ConfiguracionDeAgentesDeCampana: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ConfiguracionDePausa: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ConjuntoDePausa: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Contacto: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ContactoBlacklist: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ContactoListaRapida: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.FieldFormulario: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Formulario: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.GrabacionMarca: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Grupo: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ListasRapidas: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.MensajeChat: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.NombreCalificacion: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.OpcionCalificacion: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ParametrosCrm: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Pausa: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.Queue.monitor_join: (fields.W903) NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0.
HINT: Use BooleanField(null=True) instead.
ominicontacto_app.Queue.reportholdtime: (fields.W903) NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0.
HINT: Use BooleanField(null=True) instead.
ominicontacto_app.Queue.timeoutrestart: (fields.W903) NullBooleanField is deprecated. Support for it (except in historical migrations) will be removed in Django 4.0.
HINT: Use BooleanField(null=True) instead.
ominicontacto_app.QueueMember: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ReglaIncidenciaPorCalificacion: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.ReglasIncidencia: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.RespuestaFormularioGestion: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.SistemaExterno: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.SitioExterno: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.SupervisorProfile: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
ominicontacto_app.User: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the OminicontactoAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
reportes_app.ActividadAgenteLog: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ReportesAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
reportes_app.LlamadaLog: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ReportesAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
reportes_app.QueueLog: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ReportesAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.
reportes_app.TransferenciaAEncuestaLog: (models.W042) Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.
HINT: Configure the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD setting or the ReportesAppConfig.default_auto_field attribute to point to a subclass of AutoField, e.g. 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'.