Hi @arao.
1) Regarding this error on your Issabel instance: https://linkode.org/#yT8FPewEAv36qwXzrREZ87.
Can you show me the following commands?
- cd /usr/src/ominicontacto
- git status
You should see something like this:
[root@CentOS7-FreshInstall ~]# cd /usr/src/ominicontacto/
[root@CentOS7-FreshInstall ominicontacto]# git status
# On branch release-1.21.0
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: modules/asterisk (new commits)
# modified: modules/kamailio (new commits)
# modified: modules/nginx (new commits)
# modified: modules/postgresql (new commits)
# modified: modules/redis (new commits)
# modified: modules/rtpengine (new commits)
# modified: modules/websockets (new commits)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Share your results.
2) Regarding this error on your CentOS instance: https://linkode.org/#oCQdtcgq0MeJzxF8lSGSQ6.
You're getting this error:
So, I think you didn't set correctly the network variable for your instance (export oml_nic=eth0 -maybe you have the interface 'ens190' and you're using 'eth0' on first_boot_installer-), or I think you're trying on CentOS8, and installation currently is supported on CentOS7:
So, share the result of the following command on your CentOS instance:
Final note: Make sure that EVERY variable is uncommented on first_boot_installer. I can see a lot of variables commented on your first_boot_installer:
All those variables, should be uncommented and with a value (NULL or something else).
I can see it here: https://linkode.org/#yT8FPewEAv36qwXzrREZ87. For example, the variable "oml_callrec_device" is not being shown here, so I think it's commented.
Best regards.